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Editorial Board
Alessandro Arcangeli Alessandro Arcangeli

University of Verona
Alberto Mario Banti Alberto Mario Banti

Università di Pisa (Italy)
Stefano Bellucci Stefano Bellucci

Senior Researcher and Head Collector for Sub-Saharan Africa
International Institute of Social History (The Netherlands)

Fabio Camilletti Fabio Camilletti

University of Warwick (UK)
Ester Capuzzo Ester Capuzzo

Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Italy)
Andrea Carteny Andrea Carteny

Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Italy)
Victor Crescenzi Victor Crescenzi

Università degli Studi di Urbino (Italy)
Anna Falcioni Anna Falcioni

Università degli Studi di Urbino (Italy)

Anna Falcioni is professor of Medieval History at the University of Urbino "Carlo Bo". She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Centro Studi Malatestiani di Rimini (Malatesta Research Center of Rimini), where she coordinates the series "History of Malatesta Family”, with 21 volumes already published. She published hundreds of essays and articles on the Malatesta and Montefeltro Families. On the same area of research, she published over 50 monographs. She is Vice President of the Accademia Fanestre. She edited the documentary section of international exhibitions on “Gentile da Fabriano and the other Renaissance”, on “Bartolomeo Corradini (Fra 'Carnevale) and the Renaissance in Urbino”, on “Raffaello Sanzio e Urbino”, on “Federico da Montefeltro, Battista Sforza, Elisabetta Gonzaga”. She coordinates a group of young scholars committed to the reorganization and edition of documentary funds (XI-XV centuries) held at the Oliveriana Library of Pesaro, the State Archives of Rimini, Fano, Pesaro and Urbino. Prof. Falcioni collaborates with the Italian Encyclopedia-Treccani and with the following cultural groups: “Studi Romagnoli”, ”Centro Studi Avellaniti”, ”Rubiconia Accademia dei Filopatridi di Savignano sul Rubicone”, ”Società pesarese di Studi Storici”, ”Studi Montefeltrani”, ”Romagna Arte e Storia”, ”Accademia Raffaello”, ”Accademia Fanestre”, ”Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Marche”, ”Deputazione di Storia Patria per l’Umbria”.
Carmen Font Paz Carmen Font Paz

Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain)

Carme Font Paz is Associate Professor of English Literature at Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. She is also director of the European ERC funded large-scale project WINK: Women's Invisible Ink: Trans-Genre Writing and the Gendering of Intellectual Value in Early Modernity. A specialist in spiritual writings from the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries at the intersection of Reform and Counter-Reformation discourses, her research examines women's intellectual history in the early modern period from a comparatist approach, engaging in book history, cultural heritage, and socio-economic considerations on textual production. Her latest books are Women's Prophetic Writings in Seventeenth-Century Britain (Routledge, 2017), and, with Nina Geerdink, Economic Imperatives for Women's Writing in Early Modern Europe (Brill, 2018). Dr Font Paz is the editor of the Brepols book series "Early Modern Women Writers in Europe: Texts, Debates and Genealogies of Knowledge".
Irene Fosi Irene Fosi

Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti (Italy)
Sandra Kuntz Ficker Jean-Yves Frétigné

Université de Rouen (France)
Claire H Griffiths Claire H Griffiths

University of Chester (UK)

Professor Claire H Griffiths, FRGS FRSA PhD is a research professor and emerita professor in French and Francophone Studies. Former Head of Modern Languages, Director of Research, and Chair in Languages and Area Studies at the University of Chester, and Director of Postgraduate Studies in Languages & Cultures and Senior Research Fellow in the WISE Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emancipation at the University of Hull. She is continues to work and publish on Francophone Africa, while chairing and convening the Fieldwork Research Group and seminar series at the Institute for Languages, Cultures and Societies, School for Advanced Studies, University of London. Claire is an elected Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, an invited fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, former acting president and current treasurer of the Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies, and member of several academic societies for postcolonial studies, history, and languages and cultures. Her teaching and research over three decades has been interdisciplinary and international in reach, encompassing colonial history, postcolonial studies, development studies and more latterly visual studies. It focuses on those parts of the majority world that became French-speaking as a result of centuries of trade, slaving, colonisation and more latterly the francophonie movement. As a public speaker she seeks to provide multiple lenses and media through which to re-evaluate the postcolonial world from more diverse perspectives, and she contributes actively to editing and reviewing research for publication, and mentoring in her fields.

Nicole T. Hughes Nicole T. Hughes

Stanford University (USA)

Nicole T. Hughes is assistant professor in the Department of Iberian and Latin American Cultures at Stanford University. She researches the early modern world with a special focus on New Spain and Brazil in the sixteenth century. Her articles have appeared in Representations, Colonial Latin American Review, and Renaissance Quarterly.

Valerie McGuire Valerie McGuire

The University of Texas at Austin (USA)

Valerie McGuire’s research interests are in post-colonialism, migration, cultural identity, empire and citizenship in the Mediterranean. Her current book-project is a socio-cultural study of Italy’s forgotten rule of the Dodecanese islands in the Southeast Aegean and its impact in postcolonial identities and legacies in the Mediterranean. Valerie has held a Fulbright award to Greece as well as a Max Weber postdoctoral fellowship from the European University Institute in Florence, and an Andrew R. Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research fellowship from the Council of American Overseas Research Centers. She has published her research in academic journals and in volumes of Italian Studies, Ottoman Studies, and World War One studies. She is also a co-investigator of a research and networking project on islands and spatial insularity in the Mediterranean and co-editor of a volume on the Holocaust and the Jewish communities of the islands of Rhodes and Kos. She earned her PhD in Italian Studies from New York University in 2013.

Stefano Orazi María Nogués Bruno

Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Italy)
Stefano Orazi Stefano Orazi

ISRI- Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano (Italy)
Ana Maria S. A. Rodrigues Ana Maria S. A. Rodrigues

Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

Ana Maria S. A. Rodrigues (MA, Sorbonne Université, 1981; PhD University of Minho, 1992; “Agregação”, University of Minho, 2002) is Full Professor at the University of Lisbon. Previously, she lectured at the University of Minho (1984-2002). She is a researcher at the Centre for History of the University of Lisbon, integrating the “Court Studies and Diplomacy” Research Group which she has coordinated until recently. She also collaborates with the Centre for Religious History Studies (CEHR) of the Portuguese Catholic University and the Research Institute in Medieval Cultures (IRCVM) of the University of Barcelona. She started her research in the context of economic and social history, studying the interdependence between a town and its hinterland, as well as the social composition and the properties of several ecclesiastical institutions. She then continued to develop works in the field of religious history and started a new line of inquiry on women's and gender history. As a result, she published extensively on medieval queenship and co-coordinated the collection of biographies of the queens of Portugal at Círculo de Leitores. CV:

Eduardo Rozo Acuña Eduardo Rozo Acuña

Università degli Studi di Urbino (Italy)

Mauricio Sánchez-Menchero Mauricio Sánchez-Menchero

UNAM (Mexico)

Mauricio Sánchez-Menchero teaches at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of UNAM. He is author of the book El corazón de los libros [UNAM, 2012], and editor of the books: Geografías Médicas [UNAM, 2013], La circulación del conocimiento en imágenes [UNAM, 2014] and Imagen y cultura impresa. Perspectivas bibliológicas [UNAM, 2016]. He also published the chapters ‘From where they are now to whence they came from’: news about health and disease in New Spain (1550-1615), in J. Slater (ed.) Medical Cultures of the Early Modern Spanish Empire [Ashgate, 2014] and Sheets of Paper, Tobacco Leaves: The Circulation of Knowledge About New World Plants Through Printed Books (Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries), in Helge Wendt (ed.), The Globalization of Knowledge in the Iberian Colonial World, Berlín, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science-Edition Open Access, 2016.
Roland Sarti Roland Sarti

University of Massachusetts Amherst (USA)

Roland Sarti is professor emeritus of history at the University of Massachusetts (Amherst), where he taught courses in European and Italian political history, European social history, the history of fascist movements and regimes, European emigration, and historiography. His principal fields of research are Italian fascism, the Risorgimento, and the history of rural populations in the Apennine region of Tuscany, where he was born. He emigrated to the United States at age eleven, received an undergraduate degree from the City College of New York in 1960 and a Ph.D. from Rutgers University in 1967. He taught at Rutgers, Ohio State University, and the University of Massachusetts. He has served as chair of his department, and as president of the New England Historical Association and the Society for Italian Historical Studies. His publications include Fascism and the Industrial Leadership in Italy, 1919-1940  (1971), The Ax Within: Italian Fascism in Action (1974), Long Live the Strong: a History of Rural Society in the Apennine Mountains (1985), and Mazzini: A Life for the Religion of Politics (1997). This last title has been published in Italy in several edition, the first by Laterza entitled Giuseppe Mazzini. La politica come religione civile (2000). He lives in Amherst, Massachusetts.
Roy Smith Roy Smith

Nottingham Trent University (UK)
Elizabeth Tingle Elizabeth Tingle

De Montfort University, Leicester (UK)

Elizabeth is Professor of History at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. She studied at the Universities of London and Oxford and initially trained as a teacher. She subsequently worked at the universities of Northampton and Plymouth. Elizabeth is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and a Council Member and Trustee of the Royal Archaeological Institute, UK. Her research interests focus on the Wars of Religion and the Catholic Reformation in France, particularly religious politics, religious practice, and the archaeology and material culture of churches and religious life across all periods. She is also interested in landscape and environmental history, and in public history and heritage particularly with regard to historic churches. She is currently working on cathedrals and the wars of religion in the west of France.
Rosa Nelly Trevinyo-Rodríguez Rosa Nelly Trevinyo-Rodríguez

Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico)

Rosa Nelly Trevinyo-Rodríguez, PhD, is the CEO of Trevinyo-Rodríguez & Associates - a global consulting firm advising multigenerational enterprising families - the Founding Director of the countrywide Tec de Monterrey (ITESM) Family Business Center, the Former Holder of the first ITESM Family Business Research Chair, and Author of the monograph "Family Business: A Latin-American Perspective". A PhD from IESE Business School (Spain), Prof. Trevinyo-Rodríguez became the first Hispanic President of the Academy of Management International Theme Committee and the Chair of the Management Consulting Division. She is a member of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of Spain, Visiting Professor in numerous universities worldwide, and a renowned Most Trusted Advisor and Board Member in leading Family-Owned Companies and Single-Family Offices.
Ana Vázquez Hoys Ana Vázquez Hoys

UNED (Spain)
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